OCD Action Youth Panel discusses the term ‘I’m so OCD’

‘I’m So OCD’ is a term that is loosely used by a lot of people unaware of its damaging effects. Last month I traveled to London to film a video regarding this term with OCD Action’s Youth Panel. Please check out the new upload and share to raise awareness. Thank you.

Thunderclap Campaign

Thunderclap Campaign

I have set up a Thunderclap page for the film. This is a website that can help campaigns reach more people. This would be fantastic for the message of the film. Please help spread the message, follow this link and support it with Facebook/Twitter and if we reach 250 supporters we will have our message on Twitter and Facebook out on the 1st of November to a big audience! 🙂 Please help and support this new campaign. Thank you.





The OFFICIAL Teaser Poster

A4 Teaser Poster FINAL jpeg


The OFFICIAL Teaser Poster. All the artwork was Designed by Gareth Wright! – http://headtapes.com/

Gareth has done fantastic work on the previous and current artwork for the film. He is an excellent freelance artist and please check out his work!

We think the new artwork is fantastic! We want to know what you think?

Please share this teaser poster. If you want it sent to you so you can print it out and share it please message me.

Please keep sharing and please use the logo/header for your own social media logos/headers if you want to!



Skype Chats

I have been conducting a series of Skype chats over the last year, it has been fantastic speaking to people in America, Italy, the UK! I intend to include these interviews within the film, to show that OCD can affect a number of people all over the world. It shows a fantastic campaign growing with us all over the world fighting together to raise awareness. I want to thank everyone who has been involved with the Skype chats! It has been really enjoyable speaking to so many people.

Claire XX

Crowd Funding Campaign, We Need Your Help :)!

Crowd Funding Campaign, We Need Your Help :)!

Exciting News! I have launched a Crowd Funding campaign for Living With Me And My OCD. Please follow this link and help us raise money for completing the film. We have reached the stage where we need an Editor, Sound Designer and Grader. Alongside this we want to distribute the film worldwide. We need your help to share, Tweet, Facebook, word of mouth about this new campaign launched to help the film and if possible to donate money towards to postproduction of the film. There are some fantastic perks for people who can donate :), such as VIP premiere ticket and DVD’s full of extras! We understand not everyone is able to donate but your support, sharing and helping us spread the message about the new campaign would be amazing! Thank you for reading. There is a brand new trailer linked to the campaign too. Please contact me if you have any questions. XÂ